The Sermons of John Owen by John Owen
Author:John Owen
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Tags: Sermons
Publisher: Christian Classics Ethereal Library (
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
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350 These things were spoken on the burning of several persons to death in one of the late fires in London.
351 JACQUES-AUGUSTE DE THOU, born at Paris in 1553, was made one of the presidents of the Parlement de Paris in 1594. The first eighteen books of his History were published in 1604. Though a Roman Catholic, he gives a candid and graphic description of the horrors of St Bartholomew’s day; on which account, and for other similar reasons, his work was placed on the “Index Expurgatorius,” in 1609. — ED.
352 These brackets occur in the original edition, and are retained as they seem to indicate the digressive character of the remark contained in the paragraph. — ED.
353 The small piece entitled “Philopatris” has been ascribed to Lucian. It consists of a dialogue, in which Triepho and Critias discuss the respective merits of Paganism and Christianity, with a scoffing and sarcastic tone, indicating belief in neither. Reference is made by Critias to some predictions he had heard among the Christians, that disaster and ruin were speedily to overtake the Roman empire. As if in ridicule and confutation of the prophecy, no sooner has he ended than Cleolaus makes his appearance, with the announcement of success and victory recently achieved by the Roman armies in the East. The dialogue concludes with a proposal to worship the unknown god of the Athenians. From the intimate knowledge evinced respecting the views and habits of the Christians, it has been inferred that Lucian must once have been a Christian himself; but, since the middle of last century, strong suspicions have been entertained that Lucian is not the author of this dialogue, but that it belongs to the time of Julian the apostate. — ED.
354 The last clause is not according to the authorized version, but seems another translation of the words, to which Owen was inclined. Blayney renders it, “And say, Deliver us,” etc. — ED.
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